Terms and conditions for The 3Brain - Massimo Grattarola Award

Last revised: June 2024

1. Description

The 3Brain - Massimo Grattarola Award program is intended to support the activities of young researchers from academic, government or non-profit institutions.

2. Eligibility

  1. Who may submit an application
    To be eligible, applicants must hold a doctorate (PhD) and be employed in at least a 50% position at an academic institution, government agency, or non-profit organization anywhere in the world. This employment must be guaranteed for a minimum of one year following the application deadline. Additionally, applicants must be under 40 years old on the contest deadline date. Relevant fields of research include: Cell Biology, Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience, Statistics, Developmental Biology, Microphysiological Systems, Electrophysiology, In Vitro and Ex Vivo Modeling of the Brain, Drug Discovery, Toxicology and related research fields. An extension of 1 year can be applied to those who went through maternity or paternity leave.
  2. What may be founded by the award
    Money from The 3Brain - Massimo Grattarola Award must be used primarily to fund research projects planned, executed and authored by the award winner (or winners). All funded research involving animal breeding and/or experiments must be approved by the appropriate authorities and/or following the guidelines for the welfare of experimental animals of the respective country.

    Budgeted items can include:
    •   supplies, consumables, and small pieces of equipment,
    •   costs for publication in peer-reviewed journals,
    •   costs for attendance of national and international conferences.

3. Application and evaluation procedure

4. Regulation for provided information

Applicants should refrain from submitting any information considered proprietary or that could infringe upon the rights of others. By submitting the application and acknowledging the terms and conditions, the applicant signifies their agreement with all Terms and Conditions for The 3Brain - Massimo Grattarola Award outlined here. Additionally, applicants grant 3Brain AG a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, and irrevocable right to store, utilize, and publish the submitted information.

Any questions regarding the application process, conditions, or Award?
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